Why we need it…
The natural mangroves and saltwater marshes typically found along our coasts act as a natural and thriving “nursery” for young fish. This is where fish and crustaceans “grow up” before venturing into the waters. But large parts of the coastal environment were removed from area waters when large scale coastal development took place in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
Where there were once thriving mangrove forests and saltwater marshes, there are now man-made canal systems with seawalls and boat docks. These man-made elements are designed to limit the amount of growth that takes place in order to slow the rate of decay of all surfaces.

The Results…
Life Will Begin to Return Quickly.
Experience your waters coming back to life with a booming marine ecosystem that you haven’t seen in years. You’ll notice fish are drawn to the reef in just one day and full development within 3-6 months.
- Grows over 300 fish per year
- Grows over 200 crabs per year
- Cleans over 30,000 gallons of water per day

What it does…
The Mini Reef™ brings life back to the waters, as it floats under your dock out of sight . Each one of these mini reefs develops its own ecosystem full of thriving marine life. First, small shrimp and baby fish use the structure as a safe place to avoid predators, but soon other residents move in.
Over 150 different filter feeders like sea squirts and oysters grow on the Mini Reef. They spend their days eating the green plankton out of the water passing by. A fully developed mini reef can clean all the plankton out of 30,000 gallons of seawater a day! The results are unbelievable: